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    Phamily PhotoToday we’re doing another start to finish edit! This image was submitted by  Stevie Keen. In the Suggest an Episode section you can send us any photo you’d like to see edited here in an episode. Let us know what you would like to see done!What’s CoveredFirst I’ll start off with curves to  slightly darken the highlight areas. Using Apply Image with a layer mask will make this layer more visible in the lighter areas, fixing any exposure problems. Next I’ll use a custom brush to add in more fog. This looks the most natural when its built up slowly in layers. Using a darker color and then lighter on top will make it look realistic.Download your free brush HEREAfter we finish building up the fog I’ll select out the tree using the lasso tool for the layer mask. The pen tool is great for making selections that are crisp and clean, but for this I’ll use the lasso tool to mimc the rough edge of the tree.Lastly I’ll add in some color toning using levels and curves. Color is a great way to add mood and effect to your photos and can be done in a few simple steps.