
01 - 课程概述(01 - Course Overview)

02 - 什么是动力(02 - What Are Dynamics)

03 - 刚体标记(03 - Rigid Body Tags)

04 - 场景范围设置(04 - Scene Wide Settings)

05 - 标记继承(05 - Tag Inheritance)

06 - 场景比例(06 - Scene Scale)

07 - 初始状态(07 - Initial State)

08 - 重力物体(08 - Gravity Objects)

09 - 碰撞形状(09 - Collision Shapes)

10 - 尺寸增量(10 - Size Increments)

11 - 触发器(11 - Triggers)

12 - 每帧步数(12 - Steps per Frame)

13 - 初始速度(13 - Initial Velocity)

14 - 弹跳和摩擦(14 - Bounce and Friction)

15 - 质量和密度(15 - Mass and Density)

16 - 阻尼(16 - Damping)

17 - 跟随位置(17 - Follow Position)

18 - 粒子修改器(18 - Particle Modifiers)

19 - 地形图选择(19 - Mograph Selections)

20 - 高速缓存(20 - Caching)

21 - 空气动力学(21 - Aerodynamics)

22 - 重心(22 - Center of Gravity)

23 - 打造动感多米诺骨牌(23 - Building Dynamic Dominoes)

24 - 用Voronoi断裂物体产生地裂缝(24 - Creating a Ground Crack with the Voronoi Fracture Object)

25 - Pinata-使用Spring对象(25 - Pinata - Using a Spring Object)

26 - Pinata-添加样条线和头发动力学(26 - Pinata - Adding Spline and Hair Dynamics)

27 - Pinata-优化模拟(27 - Pinata - Refining the simulation)

28 - 动力链(28 - Dynamic Chains)

29 - 保龄球(29 - Bowling)

30 - 纸飞机与重心(30 - Paper Airplane and Center of Gravity)

31 - 连接游戏和代理工作流(31 - Connect Game and Proxy Workflows)

32 - 弹球和触发动画(32 - Pinball and Triggered Animation)


  • 3d视频教程 : 软件
  • 文件总数:32
  • 收藏 举报
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  • C4D动力学基础