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  • 爱给网提供海量的C4D资源素材免费下载, 本次作品为mp4 格式的脸部-C4D 先进的颗粒(cmivfx - C4D Advanced Particles), 本站编号31881430, 该C4D素材大小为278m, 时长为01:22:33, 支持4K播放, 不同倍速播放 该素材已被下载:1次, 作者为IamTrying, 更多精彩C4D素材,尽在爱给网。

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    译文: 脸部发布了山姆威尔克 Maxon C4D 先进的粒子。在生活中很多最大的事情是由数以百万计的小东西。很多这些小东西是粒子。在运动中的图形和视觉效果你 ' 会经常发现,添加大量的变化和细节可以真正增加视觉价值您的最终结果。粒子在此方案中尤其有用,并且可以非常强大。Maxon 电影院 4 D 是一个有用的工具,但在哪里它 ' s 最遥远的优势在于与粒子发现在引进第三方工具。本系列将利用令人难以置信的工具如 Jawset、 PShade TurbulenceFD 从 plugins4cinema4d.com 和 TP Partio 908Productions 在 aescripts.net 上找到的。这些工具将需要充分体验这个系列,但唐 ' 不要害怕。这些是一些最强大的粒子插件导师山姆威尔克已经融入他日常的工作流并将继续是对你的粒子工作有用。让我们也激动对我们伙伴关系的产品这么多我们都在我们免费的 Vimeo 视频预览中包括奖金的篇章 !这种方式你可以设置才能看视频 ! 原文: cmiVFX has released Maxon C4D Advanced Particles with Sam Welker. In life many of the biggest things are made of millions of smaller things. A lot of these smaller things are particles. In motion graphics and visual effects you'll often find that adding a lot of variation and detail can really add a visual value to your final result. Particles are especially helpful in this scenario and can be quite powerful. Maxon Cinema 4D is a useful tool, but where it's furthest strengths lie with particles are found in bringing in 3rd party tools. This series will take advantage of incredible tools such as TurbulenceFD by Jawset, PShade from plugins4cinema4d.com, and TP Partio by 908Productions found on aescripts.net . These tools will be necessary to fully experience this series but don't be afraid. These are some of the most powerful particle plugins mentor Sam Welker has integrated into his daily workflow and will continue to be useful for your particle work. We are also thrilled about our partnership products so much that we are including a bonus chapter in our Free Vimeo Video Preview! That way you can get set up before watching the video!